Problem solving =============== Solving a scheduling problem involves the :class:`SchedulingSolver` class. Define the solver ----------------- A :class:`SchedulingSolver` instance takes a :class:`SchedulingProblem` instance: .. code-block:: python solver = SchedulingSolver(scheduling_problem_instance) It takes the following optional arguments: - :attr:`debug`: False by default, if set to True will output many useful information. - :attr:`max_time`: in seconds, the maximal time allowed to find a solution. Default is 60s. - :attr:`parallel`: boolean False by default, if True force the solver to be executed in multithreaded mode. It *might* be quicker. It might not. - :attr:`random_values`: a boolean, default to :const:`False`. If set to :const:`True`, enable a builtin generator to set random initial values. By setting this attribute to :const:`True`, one expects the solver to give a different solution each time it is called. - :attr:`logics`: a string, None by default. Can be set to any of the supported z3 logics, "QF_IDL", "QF_LIA", etc. see By default (logics set to None), the solver tries to find the best logics, but there can be significant improvements by setting a specific logics ("QF_IDL" or "QF_UFIDL" seems to give the best performances). - :attr:`verbosity`: an integer, 0 by default. 1 or 2 increases the solver verbosity. TO be used in a debugging or inspection purpose. Solve ----- Just call the :func:`solve` method. This method returns a :class:`Solution` instance. .. code-block:: python solution = solver.solve() Running the :func:`solve` method returns can either fail or succeed, according to the 4 following cases: 1. The problem cannot be solved because some constraints are contradictory. It is called "Unsatisfiable". The :func:`solve` method returns False. For example: .. code-block:: python TaskStartAt(cook_the_chicken, 2) TaskStartAt(cook_the_chicken, 3) It is obvious that these constraints cannot be both satisfied. 2. The problem cannot be solved for an unknown reason (the satisfiability of the set of constraints cannot be computed). The :func:`solve` method returns False. 3. The solver takes too long to complete and exceeds the allowed :attr:`max_time`. The :func:`solve` method returns False. 4. The solver successes in finding a schedule that satisfies all the constraints. The :func:`solve` method returns the solution as a JSON dictionary. .. note:: If the solver fails to give a solution, increase the :attr:`max_time` (case 3) or remove some constraints (cases 1 and 2). Find another solution --------------------- The solver may schedule: - one solution among many, in the case where there is no optimization, - the best possible schedule in case of an optimization issue. In both cases, you may need to check a different schedule that fits all the constraints. Use the :func:`find_another_solution` method and pass the variable you would want the solver to look for another solution. .. note:: Before requesting another solution, the :func:`solve` method has first to be executed, i.e. there should already be a current solution. You can pass any variable to the :func:`find_another_solution` method: a task start, a task end, a task duration, a resource productivity etc. For example, there are 5 different ways to schedule a FixedDurationTask with a duration=2 in an horizon of 6. The default solution returned by the solver is: .. code-block:: python problem = ps.SchedulingProblem('FindAnotherSolution', horizon=6) solutions =[] task_1 = ps.FixedDurationTask('task1', duration=2) problem.add_task(task_1) solver = ps.SchedulingSolver(problem) solution = solver.solve() print("Solution for task_1.start:", task_1.scheduled_start) .. code-block:: console Solution for task_1.start: 0 Then, we can request for another solution: .. code-block:: python solution = solver.find_another_solution(task_1.start) if solution is not None: print("New solution for task_1.start:", solution.tasks[].start) .. code-block:: console Solution for task_1.start: 1 You can recursively call :func:`find_another_solution` to find all possible solutions, until the solver fails to return a new one. Run in debug mode ----------------- If the :attr:`debug` attribute is set to True, the z3 solver is run with the unsat_core option. This will result in a much longer computation time, but this will help identifying the constraints that conflict. Because of this higher consumption of resources, the :attr:`debug` flag should be used only if the solver fails to find a solution. Render to a Gantt chart ----------------------- Call the :func:`render_gantt_matplotlib` to render the solution as a Gantt chart. The time line is from 0 to :attr:`horizon` value, you can choose to render either :attr:`Task` or :attr:`Resource` (default). .. code-block:: python solution = solver.solve() if solution is not None: solution.render_gantt_matplotlib() # default render_mode is 'Resource' # a second gantt chart, in 'Task' mode solution.render_gantt_matplotlib(render_mode='Task') Call the :func:`render_gantt_plotly` to render the solution as a Gantt chart using **plotly**. Take care that plotly rendering needs **real timepoints** (set at least :attr:`delta_time` at the problem creation). .. code-block:: python solution = solver.solve() if solution is not None: # default render_mode is 'Resource' solution.render_gantt_plotly(sort="Start", html_filename="index.html") # a second gantt chart, in 'Task' mode solution.render_gantt_plotly(render_mode='Task')